Quite simply the most authoritative work on the pol pot led khmer rouge. If planing a visit to Cambodia Kiernan's book will provide excellent background and explain much of what you see today in rural Cambodia. Further details can be obtained from the website of Sage Insights who support local disadvantaged children by their work in tourism.
Without argument, Ben Kiernan is one of the the top Cambodia scholars working on the subject today. He has been in and out of Cambodia since the 1970's, including a trip shorty after the fall of the DPK in 1980. In 1995, Khmer Rouge forces even accused Kiernan of being a "war criminal," beaming the macbre message from guerrilla radio stations along the Thai border. The Pol Pot Regime, a follow up to Kiernan's How Pol Pot...
Ben Kiernan's reports of eye-witnesses of the genocide by the inhuman Pol Pot regime is terribly shocking, to say the least. You need a strong stomach to read this relentless slaughtering of men, women, children and BABIES. It is quite frankly emotionally and humanly really depressing.One gets cold in the back when one sees what pure totalitarian ideology and raving racism are capable of, when implemented by a party (or one...
A brilliant indictment of Pol Pot and a highly readable account of the Killing Fields. The focus on ethnic cleansing provides a new way of understanding the horrors of the Khmer Rouge.
As one who has lived through the Khmer Rouge years, I find this work indispensable in trying to make sense of the actual working of the Khmer Rouge during those years. Although a bit dense for the average reader, I believe it is worth the extra time to sift through the voluminous materials presented in the book.