"Space opera the way it ought to be ...] Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams." -- George R.R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...
"Space opera the way it ought to be ...] Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams." -- George R.R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...
"Space opera the way it ought to be ...] Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams." -- George R.R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...
Space opera the way it ought to be...Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams. --George R. R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...
Space opera the way it ought to be...Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams. --George R. R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...
Space opera the way it ought to be...Bujold and Weber, bend the knee; interstellar adventure has a new king, and his name is Walter Jon Williams. --George R. R. Martin The first book in the completed Dread Empire's Fall trilogy, followed by The Sundering and Conventions...