Dr. Ed Smith operated a modest pastoral counseling ministry in the mid-nineteen nineties. A substantial portion of those who came for help were women who reported having been sexually molested as children. Over the course of countless ministry sessions, Smith attempted to help these dear women find some measure of freedom from the emotional pain and dysfunction they were experiencing but eventually felt forced to give up since there was so little fruit from his labor. Then God showed up After years of effort and struggle, Smith watched in awe as God transformed these women's lives by persuading their hearts of His truth and perspective. Their pain subsided, their dysfunctional behaviors diminished, and they began to effortlessly walk in the light of God's truth.
Smith had no idea that God was forming what would be a worldwide ministry known today as Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM). He initially misunderstood this ministry's purpose but eventually came to realize that what he had witnessed was not new or novel. The miraculous transformation that he witnessed represented what God desires to accomplish in the life of every believer. God wants us to cooperate with Him as He refines our faith, renews our minds and transforms our lives.
What You Can Except To Learn From Reading This Book:
Learn how to recognize your need for God's perspective and truth.Discover God's plan to refine your faith and renew your mind.Study a systematized method for submitting to God as He conforms you to the image of His Son.