The Purification Papers: The Evolution of God and Man seeks to comprehend thousands of years of Human history by revealing an anthropomorphic, living Cosmos and its supernal intention to restore fallen Humanity to her original Grace.
As we stand on the threshold of a monumental paradigm shift unsurpassed since that of the Copernican Revolution, the need for Higher Truth is greater than ever. Just as Paul's friend in the third Heaven heard "unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter", you too will hear unspeakable things. Let Christian Evangelicals beware-no longer "giving milk for infants", what has been occulted for millennia is now being shouted from the rooftops in strict accordance with the mandate of the Most High God...
"Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops!"
(Matthew 10.26-27)
Come and See:
The twain of Darwinian science and Biblical evolution are met and rectified as the rabbinic clarification of the second Creation conundrum in Genesis is divulged. Remnants of the first Creation debacle are evident today in the last living dinosaur, the alligator and Neanderthal man's evolutionary dead-end, the Himalayan Yeti.Extraterrestrial interference and the origin of Evil when a renegade Watcher from the dwarf star Sirius B tempts the first Human pair to ingest a psychoactive flora. Samael's tantric initiation (rape) of Eve begets the antagonist, Cain-the Creation breached.The Protoplast's fall from the etheric dimension further compounds his simple Soul-with a conscience (Ego) to intermediate between his breached higher Self and the Id. The three souls of Man, and their integration, are elucidated using Kabbalah and Hawaiian Huna sources.The subsequent descent (apostacy) of 200 more Fish Lords or Watchers led by Samael (Ba'al), who likewise seduce the voluptuous daughters of Cain and beget the Nephilim, creating a cosmic imbalance precipitating the first mass extinction Event.The original YHVH Elohim (God) of our Galaxy chooses a uniquely qualified tribe of Humans to engender His replacement-the parthenogenic birth of the Mother enables the preternatural birth of the Avatar.The genetic evolution (reincarnations) of the Adam to redeeming Messiah by virtue of the underground priesthood instituted by Melchizedek, propagated through Abraham and sustained by Elijah's clandestine school of adepts, the Essenes.The Temple of Giza built by the children of Seth to cryptically seal the Messianic Plan's timeline and serve as an entheogenic Initiation Chamber-the enigmatic Sphinx, both a ghastly reminder of Azazel's abominable DNA manipulations circa 10,948 BC and the symbolic key to reading Seth's Promethean legend of the Mazzaroth.Three primary prophecies of Enoch, Daniel and St. John coalesce, revealing seven autocratic Empires destined to rise and fall within four distinct Epochs, yielding twelve individual Ages-a complete 26,000-year Time Cycle known as the Precessional Year.The ingenuity behind the mathematical precision of the Mayan's sacred calendar-a repeating harmonic fractal (260)-is key to cyclicity within our Galaxy. The Precession of the Equinoxes (Platonic Year of 26,000 years) identified as the Master Key, modulating denser Time Cycles hierarchically nested within. All culminating precisely as Tzolkin, the Mayan calendar calculated over 5,000 years ago, on 12/21/2012.
Our weary Souls have come full circle to Enoch's prescient admonition "to wait patiently until sin passes away." As we struggle through these trying End Times, this manuscript shall bring solace of mind and heart to the meek and fearful. The Elect.