Be holy, for I am holy, commands God to His people. But holiness is something that is often missing in the Christian's daily life. In Pursuit of Holiness, Jerry Bridges explains how God has equipped us to lead holy lives, how reason and emotion influenc
Dieu nous a donn le commandement d' tre saints, car il est saint... Mais nombreuses sont les occasions o les chr tiens baissent les bras, victimes de cette guerre que m ne le p ch , qui d cime les rangs, ou tout au mieux, incite les chr tiens trouver une tr ve fragile, un...
Now available as an unabridged CD audio book, The Pursuit of Holiness will inspire you to make holiness a major part of your spiritual life.
Now available as an unabridged CD audio book, The Pursuit of Holiness will inspire you to make holiness a major part of your spiritual life.