The Qabalah Workbook for Magicians is the perfect guide for the practicing magician who wants a greater understanding of Qabalah concepts and practice. Created by Anita Kraft, one of the world's most respected Qabalist teachers, this workbook teachers readers how to practice Qabalah using tarot, plants, stones, perfumes, the zodiac, and other magical sources. Kraft show how to work through the Sephiroth-- the ten attributes or emanations of Qabalah--for greater understanding and illumination.
Drawing on occult works, including those of Israel Regardie, Aleister Crowley, Dion Fortune, and Lon Milo DuQuette, as well as dozens of Herbrew texts and manuscripts, the practicing magician can understand the Tree of Life and other Qabalistic concepts. Kraft has spent more than twenty years creating and perfecting a method by which "Qabalah is experiential as is mysticism and magick. If all you do is read, you are not a mystic, magician, or Qabalist. You must do " writes Kraft.