"A cinematic, raging, rollercoaster of a plot with a wry humour ... The Quiet People is wildly entertaining and will keep you guessing right to the end." -- New Zealand Herald "A superb novel from a champion storyteller." -- Crime Watch "Cleave writes the kind of dark, intense thrillers that I never want to end. Do yourself a favour and check him out." --Simon Kernick ______________________________ Cameron and Lisa Murdoch are successful crime writers. They have been on the promotional circuit, joking that no one knows how to get away with crime like they do. After all, they write about it for a living. So when their seven-year-old son Zach goes missing, the police and the public naturally wonder if they have finally decided to prove what they have been saying all this time... Are they trying to show how they can commit the perfect crime? ______________________________ Praise for Paul Cleave "Tense, thrilling, touching. Paul Cleave is very good indeed." --John Connolly "Compelling, dark, and perfectly paced, New Zealand writer Cleave's psychological thriller explores the evil lurking in us all, working relentless magic until the very last page." -- Booklist "Relentlessly gripping, deliciously twisted and shot through with a vein of humour that's as dark as hell." --Mark Billingham "Uses words as lethal weapons." -- New York Times "An intense adrenaline rush from start to finish'." --S J Watson "A riveting and all too realistic thriller." --Tess Gerritsen "A gripping thriller ...I couldn't put it down' Meg Gardiner "This very clever novel did my head in time and again." --Michael Robotham "Cleave's whirligig plot mesmerises." -- People "This thriller is one to remember." -- New York Journal of Books "On almost every page, this outstanding psychological thriller forces the reader to reconsider what is real." -- Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW
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