Forging relationships where we can thrive outside the limitations of restrictive, noxious societal holding patterns--like misogyny, queerphobia, or the stultifying gender roles enabled when we view monogamy as the only legitimate relationship structure--require new foundations on which we can build lives that empower us and each other.
The Relationship Bill of Rights is a blueprint for fostering transformative relationships built not on patriarchal notions of possession, coercion, and tolerance, but on the liberatory premises of consent, agency, and honesty. Initially published as part of More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory, and drawing upon the relationship successes and heartbreaks of authors Eve Rickert and Franklin Veaux, the Relationship Bill of Rights provides a blueprint for setting boundaries for all your relationships.
Every relationship is consensual; you deserve the same freedom from manipulation and lying by your partner that you should expect from a parent or close friend. The Relationship Bill of Rights provides you and yours a clear, concise framework with which to rebuild (or build new) relationships in the image of respect.
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