This revised and updated edition of The Rights of Employees and Union Members is actually two books in one, combining two earlier ACLU handbooks, one dealing with the rights of employees and the other with the rights of union members. Utilizing a simple question-and-answer format, the authors examine in detail such topics as the employment relationship, compensation and benefits, discrimination (including discrimination based on race, ethnicity, sex, religion, age, disability, AIDS, sexual orientation, and veteran and reservist status), the union workplace, and workplace protections. The handbook provides particularly relevant information regarding the hiring process, the right to privacy, and disability discrimination and includes appendixes on federal antireprisal statutes and legal resources for employees.
Written for every working American, this book sets forth individual rights under present law and offers suggestions on how citizens can take steps to protect themselves. Like others in the series, this volume was developed in the hope that Americans, informed of their rights, will be encouraged to exercise them.