His dedication to prayer is heartwarming and convicting. He was a partaker of God’s holiness.
I am wary of those who write about a book that it "changed their lives" or that "it is a book every person should have to read." In most cases, these are heavy exaggerations and over-dramatic praises. However, I must admit that this book falls into both of these categories. "Father Arseny" is not a perfect book; the translation (from Russian) is imperfect and the chapters are mostly very scattered, not having anything to...
Orthodox Christians like to tell each other that their church is the "best kept secret" in America. That's one way to make sense of the puzzling fact that, though membership estimates range from three to six million (record-keeping is not the faith's strong suit), the church is mostly invisible. Other Americans might recall going to a Greek wedding once, or seeing Russians troop around their church with candles at midnight,...
Father Arseny's life and teachings are truly remarkable in their depth of love, humility and wisdom. Born out of deep physical and spiritual suffering, Father Arseny's life is presented to the reader in vivid accounts by some of those who knew him best (spiritual children and fellow prisoners in the "corrective" prisons). This book is one of the few books that I would say actually changed me deeply with each reading. It sounds...
I just completed reading Fr. Arseny Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father. And I wanted to share with anyone who whould listen that this book was one that I could hardly put down. It reads simply, easily, yet truthfully. It is not spiced up with pietism nor does it try to make something out of the man that he was not,yet who he was in Christ was nothing short of ingodded, (an Orhodox Christian Phrase used to describe someone...