In 1910, when Evelyn Wrench founded the Royal Over-Seas League, King George V was on the throne, the British Empire seemed invincible and for most people international travel was a new and exciting opportunity. One hundred years later, the world and Britain's place in it has been transformed almost beyond recognition. Yet the League has weathered all these changes and now enters its second century with a renewed sense of energy and purpose. How has the ROSL developed since 1910 and responded to the fundamental shift from Empire into Commonwealth? What are the enduring aims and values, shared by all members of the League, which inform its activities? And how will it continue to evolve and find its place over the next hundred years? This engaging and concise history of the first hundred years of the Royal Over-Seas League is lavishly illustrated with images from all aspects of the League's life and full of lively anecdotes about the many distinguished figures who have played a part in its creation.
From Cecil Rhodes and John Ruskin, sources of inspiration to Evelyn Wrench, to Lord Northcliffe, Lord Baden-Powell and Earl Mountbatten, amongst many others who have been active in the League's development, the story also includes the many artists, musicians and writers who owe much to Royal Over-Seas League sponsorship of their early careers. A delightful commemoration of the rich history of the Royal Over-Seas League, it will inform and entertain anyone who is curious to find out more about this distinctive and important organisation.
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