Oliver Tressilian, a Cornish gentleman who helped defeat the Spanish Armada, is betrayed by his half-brother, throwing him into circumstances where he becomes a barbary pirate and a follower of Islam.
So, then, Sir Oliver sat at his ease in his tall, carved chair, his doublet untrussed, his long legs stretched before him, a pensive smile about the firm lips that as yet were darkened by no more than a small black line of moustachios. (Lord Henry's portrait of him was drawn...
Sir Oliver, a typical English gentleman, is accused of murder, kidnapped off the Cornish coast, and dragged into life as a Barbary corsair. However Sir Oliver rises to the challenge and proves a worthy hero for this much-admired novel. Religious conflict, melodrama, romance and...
The Sea Hawk is a historical fiction novel written by Rafael Sabatini. The story is set in the late 16th century and follows the adventures of Sir Oliver Tressilian, a wealthy Englishman who is betrayed by his half-brother, Lionel. Lionel frames Oliver for a crime he did not...
Sir Oliver Tressilian, a Cornish sea-faring gentleman, was betrayed by his jealous half-brother. He was then forced to serve as a slave on a Spanish Galley, but was soon liberated by Barbary pirates. After deciding to join the pirates, they give him the name "Sakr-el-Bahr" which...
Set in the late 16th century, this pirate tale follows a Cornish sea-faring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, as he is villainously betrayed by his jealous brother. Forced to serve as a slave on a Spanish galley, Sir Oliver is liberated by Barbary pirates, whom he joins under...
Set in the late 16th century, this pirate tale follows a Cornish sea-faring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, as he is villainously betrayed by his jealous brother. Forced to serve as a slave on a Spanish galley, Sir Oliver is liberated by Barbary pirates, whom he joins under...
Raphael Sabatini's classic tale of nautical adventure set in the late 16th century is the story of Sir Oliver Tressilian who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. Being forced into slavery aboard a Spanish galley, Sir Oliver is subsequently freed by Barbary pirates...
Raphael Sabatini's classic tale of nautical adventure set in the late 16th century is the story of Sir Oliver Tressilian who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. Being forced into slavery aboard a Spanish galley, Sir Oliver is subsequently freed by Barbary pirates...
The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588-1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as...
The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588-1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as...
The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588-1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as...
The Sea Hawk is a novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1915. The story is set over the years 1588-1593 and concerns a retired Cornish seafaring gentleman, Sir Oliver Tressilian, who is villainously betrayed by a jealous half-brother. After being forced to serve as...
Sir Oliver Tressilian sat at his ease in the lofty dining-room of the handsome house of Penarrow, which he owed to the enterprise of his father of lamented and lamentable memory and to the skill and invention of an Italian engineer named Bagnolo who had come to England half a...