Developed in conjunction with teachers, The Secondary Behaviour Cookbook provides highly effective, practical strategies for responding to and resolving behavioural issues in secondary schools.
Consisting of over fifty 'recipes', the book's unique format enables teachers and practitioners to quickly and easily access information and advice on dealing with specific behaviours. Each 'recipe' details strategies and interventions for immediate application in the classroom setting, considers possible causes of the given behaviour, and offers helpful approaches for responding to young people's needs in the longer term. From disorganization and lateness, to attention-seeking and destructive behaviours, bullying, anxiety and depression, the book's sections cover a broad spectrum of behaviours falling within six broad categories:
Getting Things Done: supporting positive student engagement and achievement
Dealing with Disruption: increasing motivation and skills to facilitate learning
Social Interactions: resolving problematic situations that occur between pupils.
Coping with Conflict: addressing conflict in and out of the classroom, including aspects of bullying and discrimination
Emotional Distress: understanding distress and developing coping strategies
Behaviours of Special Concern: recognising behaviours associated with autism, trauma, abuse or poor mental wellbeing.
Underpinned by positive psychology, and emphasising the importance of constructive relationships, communication, inclusion, wellbeing and resilience, this is an indispensable resource for secondary school teachers and educators, behaviour support consultants, SENDCOs and educational psychologists.