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Happiness Religion Religion & Spirituality Self Help Self-Help Self-Help & Psychology SuccessI use statistics for a living (I'm an empirical researcher). I've had my Ph.D. for several years now and own all of the usual stuff like the Hair book, the array of SPSS manuals, and the Tabachnik and Fidell book. Of all the books and books I've used,read, and owned this is the singly most user friendly book on the topic. If you use SPSS in your work, I promise that this will be the best forty dollars you can spend. I wish...
I have taken statistics as an undergrad and as an MBA student. I am good at math, not the stereotypical math phobic female. But I always have had problems connecting the statistics with what to do, when to do it and what the results were telling me. Well, here I am again as a graduate student working on a Masters degree in Sociology. I am working on my thesis and this book pulled everything together. It matched up SPSS...
The advent of statistical software for the personal computer in the 1980s can be argued to be both a great advancement as well as a critical liability for the field of research. Statistical software has certainly made difficult analytical tasks easier to accomplish, enabling more people to benefit from the use of quantitative techniques. The ever-increasing speed of the personal computer allows researchers to conduct complex...
I just started using this book, but I can tell already it is perfect. I bought it because of the reviews it got and this book has moved me to make my first review ever.HERE IS YOUR SITUATION: You are working on a research project and need to analyze some data. But woops, you drank all through college and couldnt be bothered to attend the research methods class too often. Now you need to not only know what the hell an ANOVA...
Field's book is simply the best volume written yet for beginning users of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Unlike most stats or software books, Field uses humor, wit and quirky real world examples to provide an easy and enjoyable read. The version I purchased came with a CD including all the data used in the book's examples. Chapters 1-4 are great primers for stats and Field does eventually take the reader...