An essential commentary that unpicks the complexities of Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth, unearthing its historical roots and the myriad influences that have shaped its evolution.
The Thoth Tarot, conceived by Aleister Crowley and illustrated by Frieda Harris, is much more than a mere deck of cards. It is a labyrinth of symbols, each meticulously chosen to convey layers of meaning, hidden and apparent.
Paul Hughes-Barlow's exploration of The Book of Thoth transcends a simple recounting of its history. He guides readers through the complex web of esoteric traditions and organisations that have contributed to its formation.
Each chapter unfolds like a ritual, revealing the intricacies of the symbols and the profound teachings they encapsulate.
The Secret of the Thoth Tarot also examines the Society of 8, a lesser known but highly influential group within the esoteric community and includes a revolutionary discussion surrounding the use of tarot as a tool for invocation.
Rich with thorough research, and written in a scholarly yet accessible prose, The Secret of the Thoth Tarot provides a comprehensive overview of the historical and philosophical contexts that have shaped The Book of Thoth, making this work an invaluable resource for both novices and seasoned practitioners.