Lierah Orbe has been hunted all her life. Her homeworld declared planetary isolation when she was barely past puberty, and those of mixed ancestry like her were listed for termination, cleansing Acavar of alien blood and the galaxy of their presence.
Constantly changing her appearance and never staying in one place for long has kept her one or two steps ahead of Acavarian extermination teams and enterprising bounty hunters. Now on Elhor, she hides in plain sight at the largest hospital in the system working as a Conservator, helping the victims of the endless Sangue conflict recover from devastating injuries.
After one of her patients suddenly dies with no explanation, Lierah's instincts get the better of her. Following his final hours, she enlists the help of Rorric Arian, a security officer for the health conglomerate, and together they find a hidden protocol written in the language of her forbidden homeworld, and with it a conspiracy of murder.
Determined to find out who killed her patient and why, Lierah will risk everything to end the deadly experiment and bring its perpetrator to justice - her identity, her freedom, her life...and her heart.