The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer-a minister's son-hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about a...
The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer--a minister's son--hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about...
Die S nden der V ter stellt Matthew Scudder vor, jenen New Yorker Privatdetektiv, der von Liam Neeson in Ruhet in Frieden auf der Leinwand verk rpert wurde. Eine junge Prostituierte wurde get tet und der mutma liche M rder hat sich in seiner Gef ngniszelle erh ngt. Auf der Suche...
The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer--a minister's son--hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about...
The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer--a minister's son--hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about...
The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer-a minister's son-hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about a...
The pretty young prostitute is dead. Her alleged murderer--a minister's son--hanged himself in his jail cell. The case is closed. But the dead girl's fatherhas come to Matthew Scudder for answers, sending the unlicensed private investigator in search of terrible truths about...
Die S nden der V ter« stellt Matthew Scudder vor, jenen New Yorker Privatdetektiv, der von Liam Neeson in Ruhet in Frieden« auf der Leinwand verk rpert wurde. Eine junge Prostituierte wurde get tet und der mutma liche M rder hat sich in seiner Gef ngniszelle...