The third book in Percy's innovative and acclaimed Comet Cycle, The Sky Vault, follows an investigation of a mysterious weather phenomena in Fairbanks, Alaska, and a government secret buried since WWII. The comet, Cain, came from beyond our solar system,...
The third book in Percy's innovative and acclaimed Comet Cycle, The Sky Vault, follows an investigation of a mysterious weather phenomena in Fairbanks, Alaska, and a government secret buried since WWII. The comet, Cain, came from beyond our solar system,...
The third and final book in Percy's innovative and acclaimed Comet Cycle, The Sky Vault follows the aftermath of an airplane that goes missing over Fairbanks, Alaska, in the wake of the comet, and a teenager's search for answers about his father's final moments aboard the...
The third book in Percy's innovative and acclaimed Comet Cycle, The Sky Vault, follows an investigation of a mysterious weather phenomena in Fairbanks, Alaska, and a government secret buried since WWII. The comet, Cain, came from beyond our solar system, its debris containing...