The Strolling Saint, first published in 1913, is a swashbuckler romance set in 16th century Italy. There is a strong underlying theme of religious hypocrisy, as the main character is forced into a career in the clergy, before having to fight the church to regain his inheritance...
In seeking other than in myself-as men will-the causes of my tribulations, I have often inclined to lay the blame of much of the ill that befell me, and the ill that in my sinful life I did to others, upon those who held my mother at the baptismal font and concerted that she...
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The Strolling Saint is a novel written by Rafael Sabatini, a renowned Italian-English author. The book revolves around the life of a wandering monk named Anthony, who travels across Europe during the 16th century. Anthony is a charismatic and enigmatic figure, who possesses an...
The Strolling Saint is a historical fiction novel written by Sabatini, Rafael. The story is set in the 17th century and revolves around the life of a young man named Anthony Hope. Anthony is a charismatic and adventurous man who travels the countryside of England, posing as a...
The Strolling Saint is a novel by the renowned author Rafael Sabatini. The story revolves around the life of a man named Anthony Hope, who is known as the Strolling Saint. He is a wandering preacher who travels from town to town, spreading the word of God and helping people in...
The Strolling Saint is a novel written by the renowned author Rafael Sabatini. The story is set in the 17th century and revolves around the life of a man named Anthony Lovel. Lovel is a wandering minstrel, who is known for his musical talent and his ability to heal people with...
Rafael Sabatini (1875 - 1950) was an Italian/British writer of novels of romance and adventure. At a young age, Rafael was exposed to many languages. By the time he was seventeen, he was the master of five languages. He quickly added a sixth language - English - to his linguistic...
We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection have not been published for decades and are therefore not broadly available to the readers. Our goal is to access the very large literary repository of general public books. The main contents of our...
Agostino d'Anguissola is a formidable character - as tyrant of Modolfo and Lord of Carmina, he is not a man to be ignored. And for the state of Piacenza, he is a terrifying and mighty master of whom his subjects live in fear and awe. 'The Strolling Saint' chronicles d'Anguissola's...