"My favorite Leonard book....He writes the way Hammett and Chandler might write today, if they sharpened their senses of ironic humor and grew better ears for dialogue." -- Dallas Morning News "The best writer of crime fiction alive." -- Newsweek Dangerously eccentric characters,...
"My favorite Leonard book....He writes the way Hammett and Chandler might write today, if they sharpened their senses of ironic humor and grew better ears for dialogue." -- Dallas Morning News "The best writer of crime fiction alive." -- Newsweek Dangerously eccentric characters,...
Ordell Robbie and Louis Gara hit it off in prison, where they were both doing time for grand theft auto. Now that they're out, they're joining forces for one big score. The plan is to kidnap the wife of a wealthy Detroit developer and hold her for ransom. Looks good until they...