Our TBR shelves are already overloaded, but that doesn’t stop us from browsing (and buying!) new books! Here are fifteen exciting October releases available for preorder, along with suggestions for similar reads you can enjoy in the meantime.
From cozy to creepy, we've assembled a fall reading list that's perfect for curling up under a wooly blanket with a mug of hot tea in your hand. Hopefully there's something here that satisfies your autumnal mood.
Libraries are magical and librarians are magicians. So many of us found our love of the written word amidst the sacred stacks of our childhood bibliotech. We'll never forget the sense of excitement as the librarian handed us a pile of delicious new stories. Not surprisingly, libraries and librarians show up in the pages of lots of great books. Here are ten that we like.
Have you ever solicited new book ideas from your friends, or posted your inquiry on Facebook, Twitter or some other form of social media? What you hear back is generally a pitch for their favorite author, genre, series, etc., and, ultimately, you realize you are no further in your quest for a new read than when you started. Plus you will now have to answer the question, "So, did you read it?" several times over the weeks and months to come. Sounding familiar?