One Chapter. One Monumental Chapter.
Each volume in this new book series from bestselling author John MacArthur focuses on one great chapter of the Bible.
In The Triumph of Love, focusing on Romans 8, we see that there is nothing that shall ever "separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom 8:39).
Taken from the MacArthur New Testament Commentary, this book equips believers with transforming truth by explaining how the Holy Spirit:
Frees us from sin and death and enables us to fulfill the law
Changes our nature and empowers us for victory
Confirms our adoption
Guarantees our glory
And more
Our salvation was secured by God's decree from eternity past and will be held secure by Christ's love through all future time and throughout all eternity. In Romans 8, Paul allows absolutely no exceptions in regard to the believer's security in Christ.