A British whaler has been captured by an ambitious chief in the Sandwich Islands at French instigation, and Captain Jack Aubrey is dispatched with the Surprise to restore order. But stowed away in the cable-tier is an escaped female convict. To the officers, Clarissa Harvill...
A British whaler has been captured by an ambitious chief in the sandwich islands at French instigation, and Captain Aubrey, R. N., Is dispatched with the Surprise to restore order. But stowed away in the cable-tier is an escaped female convict. To the officers, Clarissa Harvill...
In a thrilling finale, Patrick O'Brian delivers all the excitement his many readers expect: Aubrey and the crew of the Surprise impose a brutal pax Britannica upon the islanders in a pitched battle against a band of headhunting cannibals.
A bordo de la m s m tica de las embarcaciones que ha dado la literatura moderna, la "Surprise", Aubrey y Maturin abandonan las costas australianas en un momento en que la guerra entre brit nicos y franceses se ha suspendido. Sin embargo, eso no significa que haya llegado la paz,...
Our Precarious Habitat was written to inform the general reader who wishes to know how science and technology affect his daily life, and to enable him to evaluate environmental issues objectively in their political context at the community, state, and national level. It is also...