In the 5th Mulligan mystery, Mulligan is retired and living with Veronica on Bruno's intentional community in the BC Gulf Islands. When a case comes up, Mulligan doesn't want to be involved as it revolves around female friends of Veronica who are in the process of going after a US Celeb who sexually abused them. And part of their intricate plan to nail him involves needing a detective to go help them in San Francisco. So Mulligan turns to a friend Randy who just graduated from a detective school. Randy goes to San Fran and helps in the women's intricate plan. It ultimately involves offshore banking and tax evasion. Randy tells most of the story but safe to say that it is a powerful story of strong women ensuring the perp is held accountable. No bullshit lawyers of the perp to abuse them again in court. Meanwhile the intentional community evolves as it was in the previous book Escape from the Seychelles (and covid). Please enjoy. Note that all Mulligan Mysteries are adult in nature and contain occasional mention of consensual sex and cannabis.