You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living...
Acaba usted de descubrir la obra maestra literaria que responde a todas sus preguntas sobre Dios, la vida en los universos habitados, la historia y futuro de este mundo y la vida de Jes s. El libro de Urantia armoniza historia, ciencia y religi n en una filosof a de...
El libro de Urantia, publicado en 1955 por la Fundaci?n Urantia, nos presenta el origen, la historia y el destino de la humanidad. Responde a preguntas sobre Dios, la vida en el universo habitado, la historia y el futuro de este mundo, e incluye una inspiradora narraci?n de...
You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living...
You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living...
You have just discovered the literary masterpiece that answers your questions about God, life in the inhabited universe, the history and future of this world, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living...
Księga Urantii, po raz pierwszy wydana przez Fundację Urantii w roku 1955, twierdzi, że zostala przedstawiona przez niebiańskie istoty, jako objawienie dla naszej planety, Urantii. Tekst Księgi Urantii m?wi nam o początkach, historii i...
O Livro de Ur ntia, que teve sua primeira edi o publicada pela Funda o Ur ntia em 1955, afirma ter sido apresentado por seres celestiais como uma revela o para o nosso planeta, Ur ntia. Muitos que o leram t m aceitado essa asser o. Os textos no Livro de Ur...
Le Livre d'Urantia, publi? pour la premi?re fois par la Fondation Urantia en 1955 en anglais et en 1961 en fran?ais, nous pr?sente l'origine, l'histoire et la destin?e de l'humanit?. Il r?pond ? des questions sur Dieu, sur la vie dans l'univers habit?, sur l'histoire et l'avenir...
This publication speaks to the people of our planet, Urantia, and offers an organized record of mankind's origin, history and destiny. It tells about Deity, the relationship of our planet to the universe, the genesis and destiny of man and his relation to God, and the teachings...