Endore's classic novel has not only withstood the test of time since it was first published in 1933, but it boldly used and portrayed elements of sexual compulsion in ways that had never been seen before, at least not in horror literature.
In this gripping work of historical fiction, Endore's werewolf, an outcast named Bertrand Caillet, travels across pre-Revolutionary France seeking to calm the beast within. Stunning in its sexual frankness and eerie, fog-enshrouded visions, this novel was decidedly influential for the generations of horror and science fiction authors who came afterward.Frankenstein, Beauty and the Beast... that whole line of thought about the beast that causes so much damage but you still feel for them because their curse is not of their doing. Bertrand (the werewolf) is in the same boat. He doesn't want to be what he is but doesn't know how to escape it. He meets the beautiful French socialite Sophie and believes that his love for her can possibly cure him but of course that doesn't work...
I suppose that I owe a debt of gratitude to writer Marvin Kaye, who selected Guy Endore's classic novel of lycanthropy, "The Werewolf of Paris," for inclusion in Newman & Jones' excellent overview volume "Horror: 100 Best Books." If it hadn't been for Kaye's article on this masterful tale, who knows if I would have ever run across it, and that would have been a real shame, because this is one very impressive piece of work...
Werewolf of Paris tells the story of Bertrand, a werewolf born in 1800's Paris and at first unaware of his plight. His uncle has pieced things together and kept him locked up during full moons etc. Eventually this temporary situation falls apart and young Bertrand commits crimes, figures things out and runs away to Paris. His uncle follows him there and tries to find him by following crimes. The story unfolds well. It...
This is my all-time favorite novel. I've read it so many times, I've lost track. When I first read it, I couldn't believe it wasn't a nineteenth century French novel, and that author Guy Endore was a twentieth century American.Werewolf is the odyssey of born pariah Bertrand Caillet, a werewolf in spite of himself. Every life he touches suffers, whether he means it to or not. He rifles graves for sustenance during his lycanthropic...
Authors are painters -- little fellas that you invite into your mind who then proceed to paint pictures on the walls of your brain. Some pictures are pretty. Others are visions of horror so twisted and evil that we can only whisper the descriptions. If you read this book, Guy Endore will kick open the front door of your mind and start painting the most horrific, intoxicating, and disturbing pictures imaginable. Endore...