A powerful, sensual, exciting historical novel set in the late 17th century, The Witch of Cologne tells of the persecution of Ruth, a beautiful Jewish midwife, by a representative of the Spanish Inquisition. Ruth is defended by a handsome nobleman and cleric who risks all to protect the woman he has come to love.
A Time of Peril The Inquisitor, Carlos Vicente Solitario, charges a young Jewish midwife, Ruth bas Elazar Saul, with heresy. Ruth may be the daughter of the city's chief rabbi, but this is no protection against the Inquisition's accusations. A Quest for Justice Detlef von Tennen, nobleman and canon, cousin to the Archbishop, suspects that something other than religion drives Solitario to persecute Ruth. Determined to ensure that justice is done, Detlef joins the investigation-and finds his passions fully aroused by Ruth's impressive intelligence and darkly exotic beauty. Two Hearts' Desires All her life, Ruth bas Elazar Saul has thirsted for knowledge, despite the price she paid by concealing her gender and being cast out of her father's house. Her faith sustained her through all, even the attentions of the Inquisition. Then, in the very heart of danger, God blessed her with the greatest love she had ever known.Related Subjects
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