This fifth volume begins the doctrinal treatises of Perkins with three contributions of catechetical theology.
The first treatise is An Exposition of the Symbol or Apostles' Creed . Examining the contours of Christian faith, Perkins handles each article of the Creed according to its basic meaning, the duties it calls us to, and the consolation it brings. He closes the entire work by explaining how the Creed is a "storehouse of remedies against all troubles and temptations whatsoever."
The second treatise is An Exposition of the Lord's Prayer . Detailing the chief Christian desires, Perkins explains the meaning of the petitions of the Lord's Prayer and the "manifold uses" for each. Perkins closes his exposition with the proper uses of the Lord's Prayer in general, the circumstances related to the way we pray, and a word on God hearing our prayers. This treatise also includes a collection of prayers (with short expositions) from the Bible and a poetic song "gathered out of the Psalms, containing the sobs and sighs of all repentant sinners."
The third treatise is The Foundation of Christian Religion Gathered into Six Principles , which sets down the principle points of Christian religion in order to establish readers in true knowledge, unfeigned faith, and sound repentance. Providing a rudimentary understanding of the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the two sacraments, Perkins's Foundation sets a framework for people to profit more from sermons and to receive the Lord's Supper with comfort.