"The World of Unforgiveness" follows the story of a murdered girl who suddenly awakens with many of her memories in tatters as an inhuman creature in a fantastical world, where brutality and might rule over all. She must fight and devour many other creatures and monsters to gain their traits and become stronger to survive in this new world, seeking the means to remember who she is as she takes on a new name and identity in her quest to become something greater while figuring how why and how she ended up in this strange world.
In this unforgiving world, she will find daunting enemies that must be fought with wits rather than brawn, make new friends willing to help her understand the rules of this world, find familiar faces who shouldn't be here, and find out the conspiracy of powers beyond imaginations that have brought her here for a mysterious purpose. All while fighting to retain her humanity and sanity, but also seeing how much she can get away with gaming the system. How much will she need to sacrifice to become what she desires, and is it worth learning the eldritch truth of this world?
The novel is a mixture of quick, deep action driven plotlines and also several snippets of humor revolving around the deconstruction of various tropes in entertainment media with dark twists.