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Christian Books & Bibles Christian Living Reference Religion Religion & Spirituality TheologyI have this book, and have had it a good 10 years. and i still reread it and recommend it to others. it contains dead-on information a bout how nhumans tick taht i have not found anywhere else. PS-- i am a lawyer!
This book is the best book I've ever read and studied on communication. This is why...I can "do it" all by myself. I don't have to have the other person's agreement to follow a certain format or dynamic. This book, single-handedly increased my skill in communication over 10 fold. The information has assisted me in facilitating groups, navigating difficult situations and discussions, resolving upsets and conflicts, and has...
Most books on persuasion teach you ways to find you "advesaries" weaknesses and exploit them. This book actually gives you the tools to persuade people through true understanding. It also allows the people involved to come to a decision together, so that no one feels like they were manipulated into the solution.It is truly ethical!!