For quite some time, I have been aware of Cathy's ability with the pen. She writes poetry and in my eyes, good poetry. Poetry that touches the heart, sometimes causes me to smile, sometimes and causes me to think. I have often said to her, "these should be published" but such a statement is dismissed with a quizzical look or a "what me?" expression.
Well, sanity prevails and the poems, or at least some of them are being published. I am looking forward to this event. A few years ago, she sent me a poem called, "Dancing in Heaven tonight." I asked her if I could use it. She agreed and I have used it at countless funerals. I never do so without someone coming afterwards and saying " Can I have a copy?" It's a poignant poem that touches the heart and yet at the same time brings comfort and solace.
I will be first in the queue to buy this long overdue book. I am glad that yet another Jeely-Eater has been "outed."
Rev. Ian Miller
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