"Philosophical humor of the highest order." -- Kirkus Reviews Time itself is threatened--and it's up to the History Monks to save it in this hilarious installment in Sir Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld series. Everybody...
"Philosophical humor of the highest order." -- Kirkus Reviews Time itself is threatened--and it's up to the History Monks to save it in this hilarious installment in Sir Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld series. Everybody...
The phenomenal 20 million copy bestselling author and king of satirical fiction delivers another ingenious novel. The 26th installment in Terry Pratchett's worldwide bestselling Discworld series -- published concurrently with the UK edition. Discworld is a topsy-turvy, magical...
"Philosophical humor of the highest order." -- Kirkus Reviews Time itself is threatened--and it's up to the History Monks to save it in this hilarious installment in Sir Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld series. Everybody...