The book is a synopsis of 31 proverbs, the writers of the proverbs being more than one individual. But the greater part written by King Solomon, King David's son and heir, known for his wisdom, his wealth and his wide experience of life at that time. Many of the 'sayings' contained in the proverbs are applicable to all generations, irrespective of the 'so called progress or change' as they relate to everyday life. Some sayings have proved to be 'lasting adages. Even to this present day, being used and quoted by the ordinary person as well as the more educated individual. Activities and experiences in modern day living are common to most individuals, paios and groups, and the proverbs are written to instruct, guide, encourage, warn etc, individuals, particularly family children and the wider circle of the dangers that lurk within social activities to the unaware; activities that can bring about regret, sorrow, misery, trouble and even fatality. Wise counsel is necessary to enable avoidance of such and give opportunity to establish character, and social acceptance, with responsible behaviour. Reverence toward God and His laws are to the fore and encouraged, even rewarded, as part of life's progress and success.
Much is to be gained from an in depth knowledge of the book of proverbs and the keeping of its advice.