It is in this commentary inside of the cage inside of the cave that you will find Elijah standing by you.
The cave is your untapped awareness, and it is inside of the cave that we find in the opening for Rabbi Shimon and his son Eleazar.
They flee to the wilderness of Lod. Lod is spelled Lamed 30 Vav 6 Dalet 4 which adds up to forty. It is this same wilderness of 40 that symbolizes the Israelites sojourn following their deliverance from Egypt.
It is inside of this wilderness that all of our insights about Torah are revealed.Call this an in-depth study of the meanings we may find via the connections of Torah.
It would have been enough to discover the meanings and be enlightened by them. However, a further step has been taken. These Torah insights have been combined with their practical applications to every day life.
This makes Tikkunei Zohar Revealed A unique tool for accessing both the secrets of Torah and deeper inner meanings of our own consciousness.
Along the way we learn about the mystical teachings of Kabbalah. If there is one thread that runs through the entire narrative it is Shekinah. In simple terms Shekinah is the connecting link between above and below existing in simultaneous timeless being both above and below.