After years of trying to regain his father's approval, Predrag returns to the Serbian capital of Belgrade, triumphant. Credited with killing Jovana, he is promoted into the Serb military's upper ranks, but remains convinced that his half-brother is still out to ruin him. Paranoid and angrier than ever, Predrag is forced to reexamine who his real allies are. Then he learns of a shocking Serb plot. The course of the entire war - and the failure or success of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia - could rest on his decision.
As the Yugoslav Wars enter their most brutal phase, Jovana and Predrag must wrestle with dark family vendettas and botched schemes of international diplomacy. They face their greatest challenges yet, in the final installment of Tito's Lost Children, the alternative history trilogy that dares to ask the question: What if Marsal Tito, the strongman of Yugoslavia, had named a completely untested successor?