A rediscovered treasure. -- Maureen Corrigan, Washington Post From Betty Smith, author of the beloved classic A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, comes a poignant story of love, marriage, poverty, and hope set in 1920s Brooklyn. Tomorrow...
From Betty Smith, author of the beloved classic A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, comes a poignant story of love, marriage, poverty, and hope set in the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections of 1920s Brooklyn. Tomorrow Will Be Better tells the story of Margy Shannon,...
A timeless classic is reborn First published in 1948, and long out of print, Tomorrow Will Be Better is a heartwarming story of young love, marriage, and hope from Betty Smith, the beloved author of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Set in the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections...
A timeless classic is reborn First published in 1948, and long out of print, Tomorrow Will Be Better is a heartwarming story of young love, marriage, and hope from Betty Smith, the beloved author of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Set in the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections...
A timeless classic is reborn First published in 1948, and long out of print, Tomorrow Will Be Better is a heartwarming story of young love, marriage, and hope from Betty Smith, the beloved author of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Set in the Williamsburg and Bushwick sections...