Touch for Health Midday/Midnight Law & 5 Elements Chart (24"x32", full color, laminated) Wall chart shows energy flows in the:
- 24 hour cycle, (Beaver Dam, Spokes, Squares and Triangles)
- Seasonal/life cycle energy flows of the Five Elements (Shen and Ko cycles).
- Basic 14 muscle tests, mapped to the peak times of day for their related energy Meridians
- Alarm points to check for excess energy in the meridians.
- All the acupressure holding points for balancing Five Element relationships of the meridians.
- Five Element metaphor wheel showing 50 associated concepts of the 5 elements
It will help you understand and give you the ability to show to your clients/patients/friends or family the full relationships of the five elements the yin/yang and emotions to the muscle testing and correction procedures. This is the perfect companion chart to the TFH Reference and Meridian charts. The three charts combine to present to the person the information in graphic format from the TFH book.