To view/download the 2023 Supplement for this book, click here. The new edition of this leading casebook covers recent developments, such as the controversy over registration of disparaging and vulgar marks (Tam, Brunetti) and generic .com marks (, expressive uses...
To view or download the 2021 Supplement to this book, click here. The new edition of this leading casebook covers recent developments, such as the controversy over registration of disparaging marks (the "Slants" and "Redskins" litigations), expressive uses of trademarks, protection...
To view or download the 2021 Supplement to this book, click here. The new edition of this leading casebook covers recent developments, such as the controversy over registration of disparaging marks (the "Slants" and "Redskins" litigations), expressive uses of trademarks, protection...
View or download the free 2016 Online Supplement for this product. Trademark and Unfair Competition Law, in its entirety, can also be found on Lexis Advance. Students who have access to the platform through their law school will be able to access the content at no charge. The...
This casebook presents the basic principles of Trademark and Unfair Competition law and procedure, including expert legal analysis. It devotes separate chapters to acquisition of trademark rights; registration of trademarks; loss of trademark rights; infringement of trademarks,...
The 2009 Supplement and Statutory Appendix to Ginsburg, Litman and Kevlin's Trademark and Unfair Competition, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition updates the casebook with information on important Supreme Court decisions, coverage of US adherence to the Madrid Protocol on international...