Los mejores libros jamás escritos Edición de Santiago López-Ríos, profesor de Literatura Española en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid La emoción, la belleza, el sentido trágico y al mismo tiempo grotesco de las grandes pasiones humanas hallan en La Celestina una de sus más...
The racy and irreverent Spanish tragicomedy that is considered the first European novel-in a spirited new translation A Spanish Romeo and Juliet , Celestina was published in 1499 and became Spain's first-ever bestseller. Readers thrilled to the salty character of Celestina and...
The first European novel, exquisitely translated by Margaret Sayers Peden
A timeless story of love, morality, and tragedy, Fernando de Rojas's Celestina is a classic of Spanish literature. Second only to DonQuixote in its cultural importance,...
In 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed west and stumbled upon an unknown continent that came to be called America. Seven years later The Comedia of Calisto and Melibea (or as it later became known, La Celestina) was published in Spain, and instantly became a national best seller...
La Celestina o, sencillamente, Celestina, es el nombre con el que se ha popularizado la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, atribuida a Fernando de Rojas. Su composici n se remonta a los ltimos a os del siglo XV, durante el reinado de los Reyes Cat licos, si bien su extraordinario...
The Celestina is considered by scholars to be the first European novel. Written in fifteenth-century Spain, this masterpiece is remarkable for its originality, depth, handling of dialogue, and drawing of character. The novel's focus is the character of Celestina, who dominates...
Edici n dual en tapa blanda, en castellano antiguo y moderno. La Celestina es el nombre con el que se ha popularizado la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, atribuida a Fernando de Rojas. Su composici n se remonta a los ltimos a os del siglo XV, durante el reinado de los Reyes...
"Celestina" is a late 15th century work by Fernando de Rojas that is considered one of the greatest works of Spanish literature, one which marks the transition from the late medieval period and the beginning of the literary renaissance in Spain. The story is concerned with...
La Celestina
La Celestina -Lectura f cil La Celestina es una obra de obligada lectura, que como todos los cl sicos se ve dificultada por el lenguaje en el que est escrita. Por tanto, es preciso adaptarla al castellano actual, manteniendo la estructura original, para...