Social Media: Twitter, Facebook michellearmst & getfitwitharmstrong, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn michellearmstrong1, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr: /michellearmst, Pinterest: /michellearmstr. Blog and podcasts.
Promote book via television and radio to local media---radio shows and national television shows such as the Marilyn Dennis Show, the Chris and Steven Show etc. Will start in Canada then expand into the United States, (Oprah Show, Dr Phil, Ellen, etc) Australia and New Zealand. Then beyond. . .
Will create an ad on her new radio show called LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE RADIO
Promote at all her workshops and retreats---online programs/weekly webinar series starting in August.
Will have book available at her bookstore in her fitness studio---Auraa Fitness.
Will be contacting bookstores around the country to do book signing tours.
Book will be available for purchase at professional partner locations such as the Institute for Hormonal