That's how it was for me. More than once I found myself confronting such a life transition. I searched for guidance from the usual people- psychologists, physicians, and others. They were of little help. I then turned to the great stories of transition that have been told and retold throughout history. It was there that I found an authentic, precise, and reliable roadmap for successfully navigating a life transition, transforming seeming adversity into a more fulfilled life.
These great stories guide us through the 6 stages of a life transition: The Call to a Larger Life, The Departure, The In-Between Time, Lessons Learned, The Return, and The Gold. An understanding of each of these stages enabled me to confidently move forward towards a revitalized life. I wish to share this practical wisdom and guidance with you, along with supportive advice and practices. I know you can rely upon, as did I, the guidance of a clear and well traveled path through the darkness to a more authentic life of soul and spirit.