501 Halloween jokes to either make you laugh out loud or groan like a Zombie.
Vampires, Witches, Ghosts and Zombies are some of the Halloween creatures that we deliver some punny jokes, one-liners, knock, knock and would you rather questions in our belly laugh Halloween joke book for kids.
The Trick or Treat: Silly Halloween jokes for kids book contains unique illustrations by our in-house artist to add to the humor and the punchlines of these hilarious jokes for kids and adults to have a laugh over.
Ideal to take trick or treating to deliver these silly jokes to neighbors and friends.
⚠ Whats inside ⚠
- 501 Vampires, Witches, Ghost, Zombie and general Halloween hilarious and silly jokes.
- Halloween illustrations drawn by our own Konnectd Kids artist.
- 126 pages packed full of jokes and illustrations.
- Glossy cover in its full-color glory.
- Bonus FREE Konnectd Kids coloring book to download.
What better gift to get for the kids for Halloween or any other time of the year for a Halloween Lover Our Halloween joke book is great for kids of all ages and even adults get a buzz from side-splitting funny jokes, even the really silly ones
Makes a great Trick or Treat gift for kids to take with them trick or treating OR if you are in the generous spirit to buy some in bulk and hand them out to those lucky Trick or Treaters who visit your door
Deliver the fun of Halloween, after the year we have had we all know that kids could do with some fun and laughter in their lives. So join the Witches, Vampires, Mummies, werewolves, zombies, and other creatures as they cast their spells Magic this book into your cart today