In this place, you can trust in another's word
There is no need for doctrine
as each person knows her own Truth
Even without it being spoken
you can read it in her Heart
Everyone's Truth is heard
as listening is valued even more than talking
And each person's voice is held sacred
There is no need to sweeten it with humor
or mask it with doublespeak
They call this, their cherished way of sharing,
In the coming pages, we will reacquaint ourselves with a way of life based on the gentle, clear, and heartfelt communication which the American Indian Elders I apprenticed to called Truthspeaking.
Notice that I said "reacquaint." You and I already know Truthspeaking: we are genetically programmed to be spontaneous, in-the-now beings with astute expressive and listening skills. We evolved the ability as a matter of survival.
It is only since we have become urbanized that we have begun protecting ourselves by suppressing our thoughts and feelings-and defending ourselves from the thoughts and feelings of others. This book shows how to dissolve those boundaries, so that we can again say what we really mean and hear what people are really saying.
About the author,When Tamarack Song was a child, he got to regularly practice Truthspeaking with the wild animals in the extensive woods and wetlands which comprised his backyard. As a young man, he lived for several years with a pack of Wolves. After that, he learned the human nuances of Truthspeaking from Menominee, Ojibwe, Blackfoot, Hopi, Iroquois, Australian Aboriginal, and Maygar Elders. They taught him much of the terminology and phrasing you'll find in this book. He augmented this organic tutelage with his lifelong academic study of nature, language, anthropology, and indigenous cultures.