Lleno de consejos, citas y sugerencias, Tu mejor versi n en 12 semanas es la gu a que necesitas para mantener tu cerebro joven y sano a cualquier edad. Con su libro El cerebro en forma, Sanjay Gupta, corresponsal m dico jefe de la CNN, ha ayudado a innumerables lectores a mantener sus cerebros activos y productivos. Ahora, en Tu mejor versi n en 12 semanas, presenta una gu a paso a para ayudarte a poner en pr ctica sus ideas. Gupta reconoce que Cambiar es un aut ntico reto, y cambiar h bitos arraigados requiere esfuerzo , pero con esta gu a nos facilita la aplicaci n de sus innovadores consejos e investigaciones para adoptar comportamientos saludables a lo largo de toda la vida que contribuir n a: disminuir nuestra ansiedad y a dormir mejor aumentar nuestra energ a pensar con m s claridad ser m s resilientes ante el estr s diario ********** Keep your brain young and healthy at any age with this practical workbook through the 12-week program from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Keep Sharp. Chief CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta helped countless readers keep their brains sharp and effortlessly productive with KEEP SHARP. In 12 Weeks to a Sharper You, he now provides a step-by-step 12-week program to help you put his transformational ideas into daily practice. He writes, "Change is a challenge, and changing long-established habits takes effort." But this workbook makes it easy to apply Gupta's groundbreaking tips and research to establish healthy behaviors for life. The 12-week program will help you feel less anxious, sleep better, improve energy, think more clearly, and become more resilient to daily stress. Full of tips, quotations, and prompts, 12 Weeks to a Sharper You is the only guide you'll need to keep your brain young and healthy at any age