Tweens today have a hard time trying to figure out how to make it all happen in their lives. They are pulled in too many directions and feel like there are too many demands on their time. All of this is happening during the most sensitive and difficult years of their lives: The transition years from preteen to teen, which roughly covers ages 9-12. It can leave tweens and their families feeling helpless and hopeless. But there is a better way
Child education and counseling expert Erainna Winnett brings more than 20 years of experience in teaching, counseling and raising children to the challenges tweens face. Written in a conversational style and filled with real tips and strategies, Tween Time will help any tween become more successful in school and at home while still finding time to just be a kid.
Tween Time covers the following topics:
- Optimal Organization
- Finding Time for Fun-Time
- Homework Help
- Study Tips
- Test Prep
"Whether it's taking the test of life or the next math exam in school, Tween Time empowers tweens with the tools they need to pass them all with flying colors "
"This book will help any tween make a smoother transition to being a teenager by giving them the tips and strategies they need to succeed academically."
"In her two-book Tween Success series, Winnett calls the shots with expertise about what it takes to be a successful tween in the 21st century."
Also available for Kindle