In this positive and empowering book, Deb Dunham, tween self-esteem expert and mentor, provides the tools you need to feel really good about yourself. Learn how to use your feelings as teachers; feel confident in your ability to face challenges as opportunities; develop your True Inner Strength-the kind of strength that allows you to be who you really want to be in every situation.
TWEEN YOU & ME, examines typical life challenges for tweens, offering mature insight and encouraging self-expression, responsibility, and respect for the self and others. Following each discussion is an affirmation, a positive statement to help you change your thoughts to ones that support you.
This book will leave you with the tools you need to become your best self. Enjoy discovering the strength within you.
"I wish I had read this book when I was younger It may have saved years of doubt and despair. I hope every young person has a chance to take these healing messages in and dare to dance into their true magnificence "-Tama J. Kieves
"...a must read for counselors, parents, and anyone who can help inspire the life of a child."-Julie Benson