The heritage of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, is shaped by water but has rapidly developed into a woodenware manufacturer of world significance.
The heritage of Two Rivers has been shaped by water. The rare conjunction of Lake Michigan with a dual river system compelled the Potawatomi and Menominee as well as the first American settlers. People of the First Nations plied the lake and rivers in search of whitefish, while initial American settlers sought fish and timber and appreciated the commercial potential of the harbor.
As the years went on, Two Rivers quickly grew into a woodenware manufacturer of world significance. When native forests diminished, the community demonstrated patterns typical of a small American town. Businesses, schools, churches and public services grew and thrived. Through periods of growth, decline, and stability, the lake and the rivers have given the community its distinctiveness. Located on a small peninsula almost 90 miles north of Milwaukee, Two Rivers's climate has also earned it a reputation as the coolest spot in Wisconsin.