The first picaresque novel, and one of the gems of Spanish literature. A brief, simply told tale of a rogue's adventures and misadventures - full of laconic cynicism and spiced with puns and wordplay. Introduction, Notes, and new English translation by Stanley Appelbaum.
"La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus fortunas y adversidades," es el t tulo original de esta obra, m s conocida como Lazarillo de Tormes. Se trata de una novela de autor desconocido, escrita en primera persona y como una larga carta. Su edici n m s antigua conocida es de...
"Suplico a Vuestra Merced reciba el pobre servicio de mano de quien lo hiciera m s rico, si su poder y deseo se conformaran. Y pues Vuestra Merced escribe se le escriba y relate el caso muy por extenso, paresci me no tomalle por el medio, sino del principio, porque se tenga...
La vida del Lazarillo de Tormes, y de sus fortunas y adversidades, se p?blica por primera vez en 1554 cuando Espa?a era un imperio bajo la monarqu?a de Carlos V. El humorismo, la iron?a, el chiste, la burla y la parodia constituyen en su conjunto la clave de esta historia.Considerada...
Los mejores libros jam s escritos Edici n de Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, catedr tico de Filolog a Espa ola en la Universidad Aut noma de Madrid El Lazarillo de Tormes inaugur el g nero de la novela picaresca. Relata las desventuras que un joven de...
An important work of Spain's Golden Age of literature as well as the first known picaresque novel, "Lazarillo de Tormes" portrays the clever ploys of a young Salamancan boy determined to outsmart his long string of masters. This Spanish novella was first published in 1554,...
This Norton Critical Edition is based on Ilan Stavans' new translation, which accurately captures the verve of the original.
An introduction and explanatory annotations by Ilan Stavans. Contextual materials highlighting the...
The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes is a Spanish novella, published anonymously because of its anticlerical content. L zaro is a boy of humble origins from Salamanca. After his stepfather is accused of thievery, his mother asks a wily blind beggar to take on Lazarillo (little L zaro)...
Ticknor describes Lazarillo de Tormes as "a work of genius unlike anything that had preceded it. Its object is to give a pungent satire on all classes of society. It is written in a very bold, rich, and idiomatic Castilian style. Some of its sketches are among the most fresh...
The beginning of the golden age of Spanish literature and the particular socio-political circumstances of early 16th century Spain made fertile ground for the emergence of the picaresque novel, an early form of the first-person narrative novel relating the adventures of a...