Armed with only six passages in the Bible--often known as the "Clobber Passages"--the conservative Christian position has been one that stands against the full inclusion of our LGBTQ siblings. UnClobber reexamines each of those frequently quoted passages of Scripture, alternating...
Churches in America are experiencing an unprecedented fracturing due to their belief and attitude toward the LGBTQ community. Armed with only six passages in the Bible--often known as the "clobber passages"--the traditional Christian position has been one that stands against...
Churches in America are experiencing an unprecedented fracturing due to their belief and attitude toward the LGBTQ community. Armed with only six passages in the Bible--often known as the clobber passages--the traditional Christian position has been one that stands against the...
DesARMAr reexamina lo que la Biblia dice (y no dice) acerca de la homosexualidad de tal manera que da nueva vida a suposiciones e interpretaciones obsoletas e inexactas. Las iglesias, tanto en Am rica Latina como en Estados Unidos, est n...