Topics Covered:
- 401K
- Child Tax Credit
- Earned Income Credit
- IRAs
- Medical Deductions
- Personal Exemptions
- Personal Income Tax Returns
- Schedule C Returns
- Business Expense
- C Corporation
- Corporate Income Tax
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Labor / Employment Tax
- Medicare Taxes
- S Corporation
- Self-Employment Tax
- A Tax and Government
- Tax Auditing
- Student Loan Interest
- Social Security Taxes
- Income Tax Refunds
- Legal Entities and Tax Liabilities
- Sole Proprietorship
- 1099s
- Capital Gains Tax
- Income Tax Refunds
- Penalties on IRAs, MSAs, and 401K
- Rapid Refund
- Refund Anticipation Loans
- Self Employment Pensions
- Social Security and Current Tax System
- W-2s
- Education Credits
- Hope and Lifetime Learning Credits
- Income Tax Season
- Tax Evasion
- History of the IRS
- The Internal Revenue Service
- Your Tax Dollars at Work
- Medical Expenses and Your Deductions
- Mortgage Interest and Your Deductions
- Non-Profits and Tax Liability
- State and Local Taxes
- Tax Fraud
- History of Social Security
- Widening Income Gap: Rich vs Poor
- What is a Dependant
- When Do I file a Tax Return?
- You're Tax Status
- Joint Returns